Sunday, December 18, 2022

The sequel is here!

 Thank you, loyal and patient fans. The book is written, all 190,000 words of it, and is at the printer as we speak. I am expecting 500 copies before Christmas so email me or Facebook message or WhatsApp me if you'd like a copy.

Thank you for your understanding. It's been a tricksy old time in the world, what with the COVID thing (no relation to Jaz's covid slave hood - I'm claiming copyright on the word!)

I trust you'll again let me know which part you like the best, and what questions you still have.

Shalom to you all (in the sense of not just peace, but completeness in all things, like a wall with no bricks missing...)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sequel update

Hello loyal fans!

The sequel to Mudgirl is well under way. In order to speed up the writing process a little, last year I set myself the task of writing 2000 words per week. I have written 120 000 words (Mudgirl was 190 000) and am so into the story that I find it slightly upsetting to leave Jaz where she is while I do such mundane things as go to work or go to sleep!

Perhaps the best news (for some of you) is that she finally knows what the mare's name is... and as a reward for reading this far, it's Falinasta, but Jaz calls her Asta.

It's weird actually, but I am finding myself genuinely challenged by some of the choices Jaz makes. For those of you worried about me going a little crazy, I do know she isn't a 'real' person. She still feels real though, and if the things she does and say make me think about God and me... does it really matter that she only exists on paper/screen/in our heads? What do you think?

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Just in time for the last of the cold weather, heart-warming reading material is now available. With a new cover and improved map the second copy of Mudgirl is just what you need to...
Nah, I don't really go in for the hard sell stuff. If you want a good read, email me.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mudgirl Second Edition

The first 100 copies of Mudgirl have found their way into homes all around New Zealand.  A second lot of Mudgirl novels with the page numbers in the right places will be available in March or April, after the madness of the holidays and the start-of-the-year panic is over.

The sequel is started and should take less than the standard 12 years to complete. Happy days!

Welcome to

As you can see Mudgirl now has her own website where you can make helpful and insightful comments about what you have read.

Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy of the book and supported me so far. It is humbling. I am amazed and pleased and a little weirded out by the fact that so many people now know about Jaz and Mackson and Graces and fats and numroot.